Adult Treatment

The consultation

One of the ways in which we believe LOC is different is the breadth and depth of our first consultations with new patients. During the consultation, we will go through a thorough examination, including range of movement, muscle strength, hyper-mobility, spasticity and neuropathy. We will also want to understand what your goals and expectations are from treatment. For example, do you want to sit up without pain or sail your yacht?

We will set out a plan for treatment and discuss what we think is achievable with our orthotics and your therapy programme. We are happy to discuss any of these with your referring therapist to ensure all members of your team are working towards the same goal. We use the latest technology and materials to create innovative orthotics. We are happy to spend time with you designing the orthoses to your exact requirements.

Once we have a clear treatment programme and orthotic prescription we will give you a full and exact quote for the entire treatment.


The fitting

The fitting process can take up to one or two hours, depending on the complexity. Sometimes, more than one fitting is required for an orthosis to be fully finished. We have facilities in every one of our satellite clinics to adjust and fine-tune your orthoses.

The review

We want you to be happy with your orthosis. We want you to use it daily and feel like it is performing as we had intended. Therefore, we offer a free six-month review service for adult patients. This means that if you have any problems that are not normal wear and tear, we will review them and correct the orthosis for free.


Drop Foot

There are many different types of orthoses that can be used to treat drop foot, such as advanced bespoke ankle foot orthoses (AFO), of which there are many different types depending on the exact biomechanical requirement.

Stroke | Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)

A wide variety of upper and lower limb orthotic devices are used successfully by people encountering the physical effects of stroke. These can be used during rehabilitation in the year or more, following the stroke in conjunction with physiotherapy in the post-rehabilitation period.

Polio & Post-Polio Syndrome

Poliomyelitis, better known as polio, is an infectious disease that was prevalent until a vaccine was discovered in 1950. Post-polio syndrome sufferers will have muscle weakness and decreased mobility.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an auto-immune condition most commonly affecting young adults. Around 100,000 people in the UK have MS. Depending on the exact symptoms presented we can offer a range of orthotic prescriptions, from neurological insoles to functional electronic stimulation (FES) and knee ankle foot orthoses (KAFOs) to aid muscle weakness in the leg

Adult Cerebral Palsy

Orthotic treatment for cerebral palsy is about managing symptoms and preventing further problems from occurring. LOC use Lycra Garments to control rotation, reduce contractures forming, maintain and provide good posture and position. Fixed Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) can help to normalise walking patterns, while immobilising the joint to maintain range and reduce pain. See our footwear and foot orthotics.

Adult Brain Injury

Physically, brain injury patients may suffer from strength, balance, posture and coordination problems.  LOC use many types of bespoke orthotics depending on the exact requirements of the patient and the effects of the brain injury.


Spinal Injury

A spinal injury (SCI) is damage to any part of the spinal cord or nerves at the end of the spinal canal. This causes temporary or more often permanent changes in strength, sensation and other body functions below the site of the injury.  

Spinal injury patients will often require long term orthotic treatment beyond their initial rehabilitation using custom-made orthotics created specifically for the nature of the individual's injury.


Osteoarthritis (OA) is also known as degenerative joint disease. It is the most common type of arthritis. It occurs when the cartilage at the joint surface breaks down, damaging the underlying bone.  Foot orthotics are used to provide stability, support and to slow the progression of the disease.  In more severe cases orthotic footwear and insoles can be used to offload painful joints and accommodate severe joint deformity.  Hinged SMOs (supra malleolar orthoses) and Knee braces can be used in severe OA conditions.

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease comprises a group of disorders that affect peripheral nerves.

Depending on the type and severity of an individual’s symptoms bespoke orthotics can help to alleviate some problems associated with the condition. AFOs provide corrective forces and support to achieve a normal walking gait and provide protection. For those with high arched feet or hammer toes specialist footwear may be prescribed.


Bespoke Orthotics

LOC is committed to providing its patients with the most up-to-date orthoses available; we are always assessing new and innovative products like carbon fibre & neuro swing technology for our bespoke orthotics, braces and foot orthotics

We have our own in-house gait lab for analysis and fine tuning of our AFOs.


Neuro Swing AFO

The Neuro Swing AFO has a unilateral ankle joint that is designed to be held within a carbon fibre construction. The joint has two springs, posterior and anterior. The springs can be altered in three ways. Resistance in the springs can be reduced or increased and range of movement can be altered as can the alignment of the ankle. The Neuro Swing system from Fior & Gentz enables us to return the patient’s gait pattern to one that is as near normal as possible.

Carbon Fibre

The advent of carbon fibre has allowed the creation of a new range of specialised orthoses.

These are not only lighter and less bulky, but also more comfortable and much stronger than traditional, plastic types.

Weight reduction has an immediate positive clinical impact, particularly for patients with polio or post-polio syndrome.




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