Sports Injuries

The London Orthotic Consultancy (LOC) has considerable experience in treating a wide variety of sports injuries, whether caused by overuse of a specific body part or a traumatic incident. LOC’s bespoke orthotics aid the rehabilitation process and can treat individuals that have developed a specific condition by restoring normal movement and biomechanical function.

Since the clinic opened in 2005, LOC has responded to the requirements of sports professionals; to provide a more comprehensive range of initial diagnostic investigations. This is less about treating a singular problem and more about maximising each individual’s sporting performance. We have developed a specialised Sports Performance treatment package which any sportsperson of whatever standard may find of interest.




Technological Diagnosis

The London Orthotic Consultancy uses the latest diagnostic technology to provide its clinicians with the means to accurately diagnose individual injury problems and, then, provide ongoing objective data to monitor the success of treatment.


Foot Scanner

LOC uses the world-renowned Paracontour system to record 3D data and images of the plantar (sole) of the foot, which is then transferred to produce a 3D model of the foot on screen for the Orthotist to study.

In-Shoe Pressure Readings

LOC uses the Parotec system to take in-shoe dynamic pressure readings. Objective data is measured in Newton’s per centimetre squared (Ncm2). The Parotec system gives our orthotists the opportunity to study a patient’s walking and running in normal circumstances over long distances.


The DIERS Spinal Scanner

The DIERS Spinal Scanner is the only scanner of its type in the UK. It provides objective data that enables LOC's clinicians to diagnose postural problems that may make an individual prone to injury.

Bespoke Orthotics Aid Rehabilitation

Sports injuries can occur due to a traumatic incident or overuse of a specific body part. A sports injury requires rehabilitation to allow a person to get back to full health, and return to their choice of sport.

Custom-made orthotics such as knee bracing provide an important part of this rehab process, particularly in lower limb injury.


Traumatic Injuries Treated:

Ankle inversion injury is where the ankle twists inwards, and the foot rolls over the ankle. It is a common injury that can happen as a result of a tackle in a contact sport, or, perhaps, a trip or fall during running. There may be an underlying weakness of the peroneal muscle group, causing this injury. Once the soft tissue damage has settled, a foot orthotic can be used to reduce the tendency for the foot to roll over the ankle.

a sudden or severe pain at the back of the heel can indicate an Achilles tendonitis or worse, a rupture. This is a very common sports injury and often occurs when there is sudden movement. For example, running, basketball, football and dancing. If the Achilles tendon is under stress, due to poor foot mechanics, then a foot orthotic to correct these will reduce the everyday stresses on the tendon.

Knee ligament rupture or strains - can be caused by a direct blow to your knee, knocking into something with your knee, or your knee may be moved outside of its usual range of movement during a fall, for instance, if you land awkwardly during sport, or after a sudden movement. Knee bracing can help support the knee while it heals, and can be used for high impact sport post-injury or repair.

Dysfunction & gait abnormality

In general, if there is a biomechanical dysfunction or gait abnormality present, such as excessive pronation (rolling in) of the feet, or weakness in a specific muscle group causing the foot to contact the ground in an abnormal way, this can cause excessive stress or strains to the lower limb, making them more susceptible to injury. Foot orthotics are prescribed to allow more normal movement and restore normal biomechanical function. They can also be used directly to offload pain and promote healing in certain lower limb injuries.

Our clinicians have vast experience with all levels of sports injuries, from joggers in the park to elite athletes. If you feel this treatment may be appropriate for you, a biomechanical assessment can determine whether you would benefit from sports orthotics. If appropriate, our clinicians will design a prescription for you and manufacture orthotics to suit your individual requirements.


Overuse Injuries Treated:

more commonly known as runner’s knee - pain around the knee cap (patella), which is common in runners. This is an irritation under the knee cap and is often due to a biomechanical abnormality, such as weakness of the hamstrings. This is common in running and is more prevalent in people with gait abnormalities, such as over-pronation. Foot Orthotics are used to reduce excessive pronatory forces and normalise running gait.

this is the ligament that runs down the outside of the thigh and can become tight or inflamed. This is a very common overuse injury that results in pain at the outside of the knee. This is common in women, because of the natural alignment of their hips. It occurs when the knee turns inwards repeatedly and is, therefore, more likely to occur in people whose feet over-pronate or roll in. Foot Orthotics can be used to reduce the amount of pronation that occurs, and improve the position of the ground reaction forces working through knee and hip, reducing stress on ITB.

this is a very painful condition, affecting the heel or the soft tissues along the sole of the foot. This can be due to overuse and is often seen in our clinic when a person increases their exercise intensity, for example, someone in marathon training. High arched feet and excessive pronation are causative factors and Foot Orthotics can both treat the underlying cause and improve the discomfort caused by the plantar fasciitis itself. 

such as piriformis, hamstrings, calf. These overuse injuries can be as a result of a biomechanical abnormality. Foot orthotics will help to normalize any abnormalities in posture and gait and reduce the predisposition to such injuries.


Knee Bracing

CTi knee braces are one of the leading knee braces currently available worldwide and are used for the prevention of injury and are used by both professional and amateur sportspeople to treat a range of injuries.

Bespoke Insoles

LOC look at the areas of the foot closely during a biomechanical assessment. If we diagnose a foot problem, bespoke insoles represent a non-invasive approach to treatment.  LOC offer standard or express orthotic insole service which takes two hours from initial assessment to manufacture and fitting.

Winter Sport Injuries

The London Orthotic Consultancy (LOC) has experience in treating a range of sports injuries including those frequently encountered over the winter period from extreme sports like skiing and snowboarding.

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LOC’s Scoliosis Brace Prevents Polly’s Curve Getting Worse

Diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis at 14 years old, Polly and mum Zoe looked to the LOC Scoliosis Brace to help her curve and avoid surgery at a later date.

Matilde’s scoliosis bracing story

Matilde travelled from Chile to LOC for bracing treatment for her adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Now, nearly a year and a half since she started wearing her brace, she has achieved near-total correction of the curvature of her spine. This is her scoliosis bracing story.

Iulia's Scoliosis Bracing Story

After trying out several scoliosis braces in Romania, Ukraine and Turkey, Iulia begins treatment with the LOC Scoliosis Brace and is already seeing results in a matter of months. Here her mum, Raluca, describes how and why they came to LOC for her treatment.

Sofia's scoliosis bracing results

Sofia no longer needs surgery to correct her scoliosis following successful bracing treatment with the LOC scoliosis brace.

Flo's scoliosis brace

Flo’s growth spurt caused her small scoliosis curve to become much bigger in a short space of time before seeking bracing treatment at LOC.

How to spot the visual signs of scoliosis

Understanding how to spot the signs and symptoms of scoliosis can help parents detect the condition earlier. This leads to better treatment outcomes for scoliosis patients and can reduce the need for spinal surgery later in life.

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Senior orthotist, Jack Choong recently presented at SOSORT’s Spine Week 2023 Congress in Melbourne, Australia, sharing the positive results we are seeing with the LOC Scoliosis brace with an international audience.

Harriet's Scoliosis Brace

After a scoliosis diagnosis at 10 years old, the LOC scoliosis brace has helped Harriet's curve go down from 42 degrees to 5 degrees. She is now no longer considered a candidate for spinal surgery.

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