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Head Protection

Several conditions we treat all have a common thread which is that the cause/symptom is related to brain or cerebral injury. One such notably condition which we see a lot of at LOC is cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy (CP) is an umbrella term to includes a whole range of severities and is individual in each child. Symptoms can include difficulties with walking, talking, eating or playing. More specifically: Muscle tightness, or spasm, or floppy muscles Involuntary movement of muscles Difficulties with walking and mobility  Abnormal sensations  Impairment of sight, hearing or speech  Seizures Depending on the area of the body and the severity of the CP, there are a large number of orthotic treatments that can help.  At LOC, due to our long experience treating babies with plagiocephaly and craniosynostosis, we can effectively manufacture padded helmets to protect the head against falls following a seizure.


Kingston upon Thames (HQ) Cambridge Bristol Manchester    


What are your facilities at the Kingston clinic?
We have the following facilities and amenities at our Kingston Upon Thames location: Free parking Wheelchair ramp Disabled toilet Baby changing facilities We also have the Gait Laboratory for orthotics patients and Onsite Manufacturing for speedy turnarounds and adjustments whilst you wait.
What are Insoles?
An insole is a contoured orthotic device which alters the characteristics and biomechanics of the foot and ankle area. Biomechanics are concerned with mechanical laws and how they affect the living body, especially the musculoskeletal system. They are removable devices, often made from plastic, that are designed to fit inside a shoe to provide additional support for your feet. As well as offering shock absorption, an insole can help distribute the weight of your body more effectively across the foot and can be made bespoke to cover a range of biomechanical conditions.
How do I know I need Insoles?
If you have symptoms in your feet, ankles, hips or your lower back that are intermittent or were not there to start with in early life, and have started to cause you pain over a period of time, bespoke orthotic insoles could be an excellent option. If you have already tried rest, icing, compression and elevation and your feet have not recovered, we recommend a biomechanical assessment to consider the possibility of insoles. They are a non-invasive approach to treatment and in many cases, are a great option for symptoms that are not severe enough to warrant surgical intervention. Alternatively, they can be considered as an option prior to surgery. We will send patients away when an insole is not appropriate, if a patient is suffering with iliotibial band syndrome for example, the problem can be helped with physiotherapy and a stretching programme. That’s what our biomechanical assessment is all about; determining whether there would be any benefit from altering the alignment of your feet.


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